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Taxpayers Note: How To Upload Supporting Documents Using eFiling


SARS have instructed that taxpayers on eFiling need to submit supporting documentation as follows:

  1. Files should be no more than 5mb each. You can upload up to twenty files.

  2. Document types need to be: Excel (xls or xlsx) or Word (doc or docx). You may also use PDF, jpg or gif files.

  3. Set your scanner to black and white and your resolution to 300 d.p.i. or less.

  4. You can upload your documents over a period of time but you only have one go at submitting. Once you have submitted your supporting documents, the supporting document upload facility will no longer be available. Remember when you submit supporting documentation, you declare that you have submitted all of your supporting documentation.

  5. Don’t include spreadsheets with multiple sheets.

  6. Be careful of file names and don’t use special characters like # etc.

Don’t submit:

  1. Documents with the same file name.

  2. Password-protected or encrypted files.

  3. Empty or blank documents.

Finally, if you receive a message like “The document cannot be converted” then print and rescan the document.

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